Mental health and parenting
Mental health is a prevalent topic. We have seen time and again the negative impacts of our unhealthy life styles, life choices , and societal pressures effecting us not just physically but mentally as well. Children and adults suffer everyday with uncertainty and shame due to the lack of empathy and awareness towards mental illness. […]
Who are you? “I am a Parent for life”

“What motivates you?” was the question, the presenter asked. I thought long and hard… I did not have an answer Parenting comes without a manual Self development should be a mandatory subject. I wish there was a way to make young adults, unmarried , married and later on parents of all ages and stages take […]
Raising Good Humans part 3
This discussion is the last portion of the book titled as Raising Kind Confident Kids Identifying needs and why conflicts happen The void of the need fulfillment is the basis of conflict. As a parent its not our responsibility to fix our children’s problems, what is required is to be present in the moment with […]
A short conversation about building habits In this video I take a few experts form the book summary of The power of Habit by Charles Duhigg and The Productive Muslim: Where Faith Meets Productivity Book by Faris Mohammad and talk about habit formation. A few examples on how we can build a habit of managing a new habit formations wiht […]
A conversation with myself. Somedays I need reassurance.
I have been reading a lot about parenting. One because I should learn more about my full time job to become a better parent and two because I want to be a parent coach to you:) For the past one month I have been busy. I brought to my audience Homeschooling solutions to the confusion […]
Thoughts of an ordinary woman figuring out life.
A good mama, please let me be…
I hear this dilemma over and over again, “I know the kind of parenting I want for my children, but I can’t be disrespectful to my parents, in-laws, grandparents.” “Have boundaries”, the reply is often, But somewhere inside we all know that the inner child hasn’t known anything apart from obedience and in later years […]
Everything is not a problem, dear parent.
I have gone through this dilemma over and over again. I studied positive parenting, check. I am curbing my triggers, check I am learning how to be more mindful, check I am putting all of the above into practice, check But I am failing, and that makes me doubt myself. It is not a good […]
Day 2 Heart Homework: Vulnerability and integrity
Today I spoke to my children with complete vulnerability.I was filled with shame. How could I loose my calm? I have been teaching people about unconditional love (its not a fairy tale concept trust me, it’s undoing a whole lifetime of generational trauma…) Why did I snap? I have been doing my Istaghfar, I have […]
Day1: Dear Parent, let’s do heart homework. 40 days of Parent journaling with IrambintSafia.
I read somewhere some time ago, all problems aren’t meant to be solved, some just need to be heard. Easier said than done. Especially when we are functioning from a fixed mindset, or our emotional triggers aren’t resolved or we were unable to develop a sense of empathy for our children just because that approach […]