They understand but do not speak

My daughters were having a conversation about their mutual friend. Something about asking for permission to meet up at a park for an art activity. One of them goes on to say,” No her mother can understand understand English but she doesn’t speak it”. I reflected .. and my thoughts flowed. I understand Quran, but […]
Missed Station (A story)

There was a janazah, it was a Friday in Ramadan,the last odd nights, people gathered … the Muzin called out, “Salah for the deceased”. A filled masjid, early hours of Fajr, in the city of the beloved Prophet Muhammad SallAllah hu Alihye Wasalm. Madinah Al Munawarh… the city of light, the light of guidance. Thousands […]
Learning is a lifelong process, it’s more so true when you become a parent.

These book discussions are a small effort on my part to help busy parents get a glimpse of what these wonderful books have to share with the world. I am critical of the kind of information being shared. Not everything in every parenting book will be in alignment with our Sunnah. However the objective is […]
My new read : Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills

Aslam o Alikum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatuhu, am happy to share gems from this new parenting book”The Uncontrollable Child”by Matis Miller. In Shaa Allah a book summary will soon be coming up:) Hopefully both in English and Urdu. (The following material is copied from the book from the book) What does Dialectical mean? The word […]
The pens have been lifted

Since the past two Ramadan’s I have lived to see “Life comes with no guarantees”. Everything becomes obsolete when Allah commands “Be” I have prayed with a variation of emotions; fear anxiety, taqwa and surrender. I have cried in my qiyams and sajuds like millions around the world. To witness the sweetness of iman and […]
Choose : who you want to be for you

When I hear the mothers dissatisfied, unhappy and being guilty of not taking the gratitude pill often, I see my old self in them. I remember I had the same story. I would be tired and fatigued, thinking when will this end. Some good people in life told me , have patience this is just […]
The happiness obsession

I have fought, consciously, the urge to not make my children happy, for the past few weeks. It is such an odd statement to begin with. But I have, found some clarity to my parental anxiety in taking this deliberate action. Hear me out! Happiness is when ……..( and then we fill it up with […]
Our pause is a rainbow moment

The sky is majestic. Every time I look up I feel comfort, awe and appreciate God’s dominion. And when there are rainbows! Oh how romantic does the sky seem then. Out of reach, a miracle, untouchable and gorgeous. I am grateful that rainbows are not just displayed in the sky 🙂 Oh so grateful…. I […]
It takes everything

It takes nothing to smile they say … It does … it takes conscious effort , redirection of thought process , generating willingness to move the face muscles. It’s not always about being peaceful and happy inside. Then why have we come to think that any action that we struggle to regulate should be voluntary. […]
Understandings and relationships

The sky is majestic. Every time I look up I feel comfort, awe and appreciate God’s dominion. And when there are rainbows! Oh how romantic does the sky seem then. Out of reach, a miracle, untouchable and gorgeous. I am grateful that rainbows are not just displayed in the sky 🙂 Oh so grateful…. I […]