I have candidly discussed my humble beginnings of parenthood journey.
A mixture of physical fatigue and emotional exhaustion. So after 14 years of being a veteran parent, how much of that has changed? A lot. A lot has changed. they grew up, they are now homeschooled, we have a lot of open communication, I try to think we have one! .. and they respond well, Alhamdulilallah.
The youngest one wrote this in my diary.

A nice lovely gesture. I helps we look froward to another day. I emphasize on ” She listens to us carefully”
I do, I try … I sometimes pretend! But the intention is to make sure they know I am present with them. I said intention, I did not say my actions are always accordingly. But the thought helps me reel back into the present.
It’s funny how she writes, mama listens to us carefully and then mentions “She is on the phone right now”
I have taught them in the past 6 months, mama’s phone is her office. They understand, they accommodate to my BUSYNESS.
I am struggling though, to make all the emotional ends meet.
But when I read what she wrote .. I paused to reflect,
Then I observed her demeanor, her smile, how comfortable she was around me and I concluded I will let this compliment sink in with grace.
So I came up with something interesting.. hope you like it!
How I have learned to work around